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Face to Face

JAM Training classroom. Courses are available at the JAM Training classroom located JAM HQ. Face to face courses are ideal for leaners who want to have direct interaction with the tutor and fellow learners. For courses which include practical work and assessments leaning will be required to attend the JAM Training classroom.


JAM Online classroom. All courses are available in the online classroom for those who prefer the flexibility to learn from alternative locations. Courses are delivered live by the tutor via Zoom and are run in conjunction with the face-to-face courses, enabling peer to peer access and engagement.


JAM Training offers e-Learning,
E-learning is a flexible method of learning that harnesses digital platforms, allowing individuals to engage with course materials and assessments at their own pace and convenience. Through interactive modules, online lectures, and multimedia content, learners can customize their educational experience.


JAM Training offers blended learning, which combines face to face learning and virtual learning.
Blended learning is available to learners who are required to be present for practical elements of the course and for ongoing assessments. Blended learning is only available for selected courses.